Child Sexual Abuse (External Resource)

The Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse (CSA Centre) has developed a free, 90-minute E-Learning course suitable for all practitioners, including volunteers working with children.

This E-Learning course is designed for anyone working with children, and supports gaining an improved understanding of this issue, as well as guidance on how to identify concerns and build knowledge and confidence in how to respond and support both children and their wider family. The course introduces the ‘Signs and Indicator Toolkit’, which has been developed by the CSA Centre, and is endorsed by Gwent Safeguarding Board.

The 90-minute course consists of three engaging modules, with interactive tasks, video explainers and a final assessment. It’s designed for practitioners at all stages of their career; for those new to safeguarding, or as a helpful refresher.

eLearning Course - Identifying and Responding to Intra-Familial Child Sexual Abuse - The CSA Centre 

A certificate can be accessed after completing the E-Learning. 

The E-Learning provides prerequisite learning for those in social work, policing, education, healthcare and beyond, who may go on to access other CSA related courses. For details of other CSA courses, hosted or commissioned by the Gwent Safeguarding Board, click here – Safeguarding - Gwent Safeguarding

The Gwent Safeguarding Board previously highlighted some Bite-size Learning Content around the topic of Child Sexual Abuse. These resources and videos are designed to help practitioners identify concerns of child sexual abuse, build confidence on how to respond and talk to children and understand how to support and work with the whole family.