Bite-size Learning - Child Sexual Abuse Resources

During March and April 2022, the Gwent Safeguarding Board delivered a three-part ‘Bitesize’ learning initiative introducing and promoting use of three Child Sexual Abuse Practitioner Resources (and accompanying video’s), recently developed by The Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse (CSA Centre).

The three Practitioner resources and video’s cover the following themed areas:

  1. Identifying concerns
  2. Responding to Concerns
  3. Supporting Families

These resources and accompanying videos when combined will support practitioners by providing them with the knowledge to identify concerns of child sexual abuse, with the confidence to respond and talk to children, also with the knowledge and confidence to help them respond and work with the whole family.

The resources take practitioners through a ‘step by step journey to achieve a better understanding and provide practical advice and guidance on how best to respond’ (CSA Centre, 2022).

Theme 1 - Identifying Concerns

When identifying concerns around Child Sexual Abuse, the CSA Centre suggest there are three important aspects to consider:

  • Scale and nature of sexual abuse
  • Understanding why it might be difficult for children to talk about sexual abuse
  • Building a picture of concerns to shape the response

The following resources aim to support practitioners to identify and record concerns, and the accompanying video’s look at the different aspects that should be considered.

Practitioner Resource 1 (of 3):

Signs and Indicators - A template for identifying and recording concerns of child sexual abuse.

Signs & Indicators Template - CSA Centre

Accompanying Video’s

Identifying Concerns of sexual abuse: The scale and nature of sexual abuse (2/12)

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Identifying concerns of sexual abuse: Understanding why it might be difficult for children to talk about sexual abuse (3/12)

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Identifying Concerns of sexual abuse: Building a picture of concerns to shape the response (4/12)

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Theme 2 - ‘Responding to Concerns’

Theme 2 resources consider how we communicate and engage with children who have or may have been sexually abused.

The CSA Centre highlight secrecy and silence are the ‘best friend’ of child sexual abuse…these are needed for it to survive. ‘If we start naming it and talking about it we are better placed to get on top of it’ (CSA Centre 2022, Video 5/12).

As practitioners we need to identify opportunities to speak to children, and adults about the abuse they’ve experienced … to impart its ‘not your fault’, and to ‘talk through feelings of confusion, self-blame, and feelings of responsibility’ (CSA Centre 2022, Video 5/12). 

Theme 2 resources focus on recognising and trying to remove the barriers to conversations about sexual abuse.

Practitioner Resource 2 (of 3)

Communicating with Children - A guide for those working with children who have or may have been sexually abused. 

Communicating with Children Guide - CSA Centre

Accompanying Video’s

Responding to concerns of child sexual abuse: Working with children who may have experienced abuse (5/12)

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Responding to concerns of child sexual abuse: Recognising the barriers to conversations about sexual abuse (6/12)

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Responding to concerns of child sexual abuse: Being confident in responding to concerns of child sexual abuse (7/12)

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Responding to concerns of child sexual abuse: Using our ‘Communicating with children’ resource to help when you have concerns (8/12)

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Theme 3: ‘Supporting Families’

Theme 3 resources are concerned with supporting our work with families affected by child sexual abuse.

The CSA Centre highlights families are significant in influencing how a child will understand and respond to what has happened to them (CSA Centre 2022).

‘We know from research that one of the most significant factors in affecting the longer-term impacts of sexual abuse is the support the child received from their main caregivers and wider family’ (Video 9/12, CSA Centre 2022)

Theme 3 resources build on previous (Themes 1, 2) resources, helping practitioners build on their understanding, as well as providing guidance on engaging in conversations on this subject.

Practitioner Resource 3 (of 3)

Supporting parents and carers - A guide for those working with families affected by child sexual abuse 

Supporting Parents and Carers Guide - CSA Centre


Supporting families when there are concerns of child sexual abuse: Understanding the context and impact of child sexual abuse (9/12)

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Supporting families when there are concerns of child sexual abuse: A whole family approach – supporting parents and carers (10/12)

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Supporting families when there are concerns of child sexual abuse: A whole family approach – supporting parents and carers to support the child (11/12)

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Supporting families when there are concerns of child sexual abuse: The importance of your role (12/12)

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