
The National Safeguarding Learning and Development Standards and Framework was introduced in 2022. A Basic Awareness E-learning package suitable for Group A staff, ie all staff who work or volunteer in a public or voluntary sector organisation in Wales, is available on the Social Care Wales website, this course is freely available to access.

Click here to access 'Group A Safeguarding / Social Care Wales'

The Gwent Safeguarding Boards provide training courses suitable for staff groups B & C, ie those working directly with / and for children, young people and adults at risk across the region. Sessions available are listed below.

Service User
National Referral Mechanism Awareness (25/04/2024)

To raise awareness of the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and how children and young people can be vulnerable to exploitation, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

Date(s):25/04/2024 ( 10:0012:00 )

Service User: Children

Introduction to Safeguarding (Adults and Children) (02/05/2024)

This course provides an introduction to safeguarding for all those who work with children and/or adults, whether in paid employment or as a volunteer. This is an intermediary course for those requiring a fundamental knowledge of safeguarding (more than basic awareness).

Date(s):02/05/2024 ( 10:0012:30 )

Service User: Children Adults

Spot the Signs - Exploited Adults - (13/05/24)

Raise awareness on how to recognise signs and indicators of exploitation, and how to respond in the most focused and effective way to keep adults safe.

Date(s):13/05/2024 ( 09:3016:00 )

Service User: Adults

Self-Neglect, Hoarding and Mental Capacity Act 2005 (20/05/24)

This one-day course aims to enable delegates to consider the application of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in relation to cases of self-neglect through Safeguarding Adults procedures.

Date(s):20/05/2024 ( 09:3016:00 )

Service User: Adults

Local Safeguarding Network Practitioner Forum - Improving Practice: Learning from Reviews (21/05/2024)

These events aim to provide an opportunity for the sharing of information relating to various safeguarding issues and topics and are intended for staff and volunteers within the Gwent region.

Date(s):21/05/2024 ( 09:3012:30 )

Service User: Adults Children VAWDASV

Local Safeguarding Network Practitioner Forum - Improving Practice: Learning from Reviews (22/05/2024)

These events aim to provide an opportunity for the sharing of information relating to various safeguarding issues and topics and are intended for staff and volunteers within the Gwent region.

Date(s):22/05/2024 ( 13:0016:00 )

Service User: Adults Children VAWDASV

Safeguarding Children – The Safeguarding Process (23/05/2024)

Practitioners in need of advanced knowledge for safeguarding practice eg registered/unregistered practitioners with assessing/planning/intervening/evaluating role.

Date(s):23/05/2024 ( 09:0013:30 )

Service User: Children

National Referral Mechanism Awareness (23/05/2024)

To raise awareness of the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and how children and young people can be vulnerable to exploitation, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

Date(s):23/05/2024 ( 10:0012:00 )

Service User: Children

One Day Signs and Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Training - (04/06/2024)

This training aims to help professionals increase their knowledge of the Signs and Indicators of CSA as well as develop skills and techniques in recording and communicating their concerns within professional arenas and with children, young people and families.

Date(s):04/06/2024 ( 09:3016:30 )

Service User: Children

Spot the Signs – Exploited Children and Young People (12/06/2024)

Aim: Raise awareness on how to recognise signs and indicators of exploitation, and how to respond in the most focused and effective way to keep children and young people safe.

Date(s):12/06/2024 ( 09:3016:00 )

Service User: Children