Useful Documents

  • Domestic Abuse Factsheet - A Quick look guide to the signs and indicators of DA for Children and Adults. This Document also highlights how children may experience Domestic abuse and the support that is available.
  • Female Genital Mutilation Factsheet - This document describes the procedure of FGM, the risks and signs. This Document also highlights the illegal nature of this practice and actions that can and should be taken for the protection of victims.
  • Forced Marriage Factsheet - Within this document there is guidance for identification, support and action against forcing anyone into a marriage.
  • Live Fear Free - 'Here For You' Leaflet - How to access support as adult survivors of abuse. 
  • Peer Abuse Factsheet - This document highlight the abuse that can be both perpetrated and experienced by children. Included is also preventative, early point of intervention and signposts for support
  •  VAWDASV Glossary of Terms and Acronyms - This document shared a glossary of terms and recent acronyms.