
Adopting a whole education approach to VAWDASV is a key element to increasing awareness, providing support and creating opportunities for children and young people to understand the importance of safe, equal and healthy relationships. A whole education approach that includes preventative education through all parts of school and college life, involving the community has been identified as significant in being able to teach preventative education.

Welsh Women’s Aid and the Welsh Government have published a good practice guide on a Whole Education Approach to ensure that schools and educational bodies are equipped and considered in their response to VAWDASV and the prevention, protection and support of their pupils and staff.

The Gwent Whole Education Approach Group sits under the VAWDASV Partnership Board to develop and embed guidance across the region. The group meets to review data and consider effective advice and support for educational establishments and to provide clear communication on the Welsh Government Guidance and the expectations of the Gwent VAWDASV Partnership Board. The Whole Education Approach Group includes key partners working in Education, Police and specialist support services. Work with Pioneer Schools and understanding how the new curriculum for Health and Wellbeing will support work around this Strategic Priority is critical.

Under the Welsh Government Whole Education Approach Guidance, there are 9 Key Principles.

Principles and practice: The 9 key elements of a whole education approach

The guidance sets out the following 9 key elements and gives best practice examples of embedding each:

  1. Children and young people learn about violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
  2. Staff learn about violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
  3. Parents, care-givers and family learn about violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
  4. Monitoring and evaluation systems are in place to measure impact of this work.
  5. Measures are in place to support people who experience forms of violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
  6. Active participation of children and young people, staff and parents/care-givers to prevent violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
  7. Taking action to prevent violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence in the wider community.
  8. Working in partnership with relevant local experts.
  9. Embedding a comprehensive prevention programme

Draft Guidance for Gwent Schools and Educational establishments are in consultation with Whole Education Approach Group. Once complete, will be uploaded to this area.