Communication and Engagement
Communication and engagement is a key element in meeting the aims of the Gwent VAWDASV Strategy. Please see here for details of the work of the Communication and Engagement within Gwent, and the Involvement pages on how and why people affected by VAWDASV can become involved in helping to shape services within Gwent.
Communication and Engagement Sub Group
The Engagement and Communication group meets regularly and oversees the engagement and communication across the Strategic Priorities of the Gwent VAWDASV Strategy. This includes designing and disseminating awareness raising resources, supporting and promoting campaigns, and involvement activities with those affected by VAWDASV from across the region, along with facilitating, and supporting engagement events throughout the year for both professionals and community members.
To support this work the Group comprises of members with communication and engagement experience and knowledge from areas across Gwent including representation from Local Authorities, Gwent Police, Gwent PCC, Housing and the Specialist sector. The work of the Group is closely aligned to the wider Safeguarding engagement and communication group with some shared membership and standing agenda items to ensure each group is aware and updated on progress and actions and to ensure a consistent approach and message.
This is supported by the Gwent VAWDASV Involvement and Engagement Guidance Document which highlights key considerations and best practice
Gwent VAWDASV Newsletters
The Communication and Engagement Sub Group produce quarterly newsletters highlighting the work of the region and sharing information and research relevant to the sector. Copies of recent newsletters can be found here.
VAWDASV Campaigns
Raising awareness of all types of VAWDASV and how people can access support is a key element of the Gwent VAWDASV Strategy. The Region supports Welsh Government campaigns along with locally based resources and activities.
Further information on Welsh Government campaigns can be found on the Live Fear Free website.
Local activities will be found here.