About VAWDASV in Gwent
The Gwent VAWDASV Partnership Board is a multi-agency collaboration working together across Gwent to prevent VAWDASV and to improve the outcomes for individuals and their families affected. Please see here for details of the Gwent Partnership and its work in delivering the regional VAWDASV Strategy.
Our partnership
The Partnership is made up of the five local authorities, Gwent Police, and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Wales Ambulance Service Trust, Probation Services, Registered Social Landlords, Supporting People Regional Collaborative Committee, Fire and Rescue Service, Gwent Safeguarding Boards, VAWDASV specialist sector partners and voluntary sector organisations.
Our aim is to work together in partnership to ensure the most efficient and effective response to preventing serious harm caused by such types of abuse for the well-being and safety of people living in Gwent, both now and in the future.
The Gwent VAWDASV Partnership is coordinated by the regional VAWDASV team. The regional team can be contacted by email: vawdasv.gwent@newport.gov.uk
Why we do it
Violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence are fundamental breaches of human rights. Every year lives are damaged needlessly in Gwent, all forms of violence and abuse are unacceptable. Anyone who experiences violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence deserves an effective and timely response from all public services.
The enactment of the Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015 requires the public sector in Wales to work together in a consistent and cohesive way to prevent VAWDASV and to improve the outcomes for individuals and their families affected.
Further information on the Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015 can be found here.
As part of statutory requirements placed on Local Authorities and Local Health Boards under Section 5 of the Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015 the Gwent Partnership Board has published a 5 year Strategy for VAWDASV.
The Partnership Board provides the governance structure that will develop and monitor VAWDASV regional working. Through a structure of working groups we will ensure that the priorities identified in the Strategy are translated into actions that can make a real difference to the well-being and safety of people living in Gwent, both now and in the future.
Our strategy and strategic priorities for Gwent
Our strategy and strategic priorities for Gwent have recently been reviewed as we reach the end of our current Strategy. The Regional VAWDASV Board are pleased to be in a position to present a Draft 2023-2026 Regional (Gwent) VAWDASV Strategy.
Gwent Regional VAWDASV Strategy 2023-2026 - DRAFT for Consultation
The Draft Strategy builds on the Gwent VAWDASV Strategy 2018-2023 which set out the regional integrated approach to stop violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence and to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and families affected by abuse, whilst also holding to account those who perpetrate such abuse. It has been developed through months of engagement, participation and consultation with partners, the specialist sector, stakeholders and survivors of VAWDASV.
Feedback on the draft strategy is currently being collated and reviewed following the end of the consultation period on 31st May 2023. Once finalised, the 2023-2026 VAWDASV Regional Strategy will then be published on this page in English and Welsh.