Safeguarding Children – The Safeguarding Process (11/04/2024)

Course Details

Date(s):11/04/2024  ( 09:0013:30 )

Microsoft Teams

Facilitated By:

Gwent Safeguarding

Service User:


Practitioners in need of advanced knowledge for safeguarding practice eg registered/unregistered practitioners with assessing/planning/intervening/evaluating role.

Target Audience:

Practitioners in need of advanced knowledge for safeguarding practice e.g. registered/unregistered practitioners with assessing/ planning / intervening / evaluating role. These practitioners will have a clear safeguarding / protection planning role.(e.g. attends strategy meeting / case conference / core group). Third sector to ensure relevant staff (as above) attend this level of training (e.g. those fulfilling a multi-agency Designated Safeguarding Person role).

Participants may come from a wide variety of agencies, for example, housing, early years, primary health services, education and community settings and other care providers.

Part One - Self-directed Module & Course Handbook (approx. 1 hour to complete)

Learning Outcomes:

Describe key legislation

Describe 5 categories of harm and a range of potential signs, symptoms

Describe where to access information about national child protection procedures, regional protocols, and local contact details and forms

Demonstrate an understanding of the key principles for safeguarding practice, and key terms within the Wales Safeguarding Children Procedures

Describe the Duty to Report, what to do if you have a concern, and the process for submitting a report (referral)

Demonstrate a basic understanding of Section 47 enquiries and stages within the Child Protection Process.

Course Handbook:

Space to make notes

Links for further reading and information

Mandatory knowledge check, pre-requisite to accessing Part Two

Part Two - Facilitated Session (4 hrs)

Learning Outcomes:

Describe principles for safeguarding practice, and how these are applied

Demonstrate an understanding of what constitutes a proficient report submission.

Describe the key stages within the child protection process that follow submitting a ‘Duty to Report’

Understand multi agency arrangements and roles and responsibilities (expectations) of practitioners throughout the safeguarding process

Please note: Completion of a knowledge check is mandatory, failure to complete this will prevent the participant attending the Part 2 Facilitated Session

Book your place here