Substance misuse and alcohol
Substance misuse is one of the most common and yet preventable risks to a young person’s health and development. All drugs have the potential to cause harm some can be addictive and using drugs in combination can increase risk.
Lots of parents are concerned about underage drinking, drug taking and challenging behaviour. Find out how you can keep your child safe and aware of the risks using the links below
Ask Frank - Practical advice for parents and carers on how to talk to your child about drugs. Know the facts, understand the issues and start talking. Comprehensive A-Z of drugs.
NSPCC - Advice on how to talk about drinking and the dangers of drugs with your child
Family Lives - parent / carer information on spotting the signs of substance misuse, A-Z of drugs.
Young minds - Provide information and advice and where you can get help as a parent / carer to support your child.