Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) is a process through which the Police, Probation and Prison Service work together with other agencies to manage the risks posed by violent and sexual offenders living in the community.

How does MAPPA work?

Offenders eligible for MAPPA are identified and information is gathered and shared about them across relevant agencies. The nature and level of the risk of harm they pose is assessed and a risk management plan is implemented to protect the public.

A risk management plan sets out the action that needs to be taken to minimise the risk. Some measures that can be considered are:

  • Ensuring offenders have suitable accommodation, which can include requiring the offender to reside at a probation run hostel;
  • Placing controls on the offenders behaviour through strict release licence conditions which can include not to have contact with a named individual and not to enter a defined exclusion zone;
  • Intensive supervision by a probation officer offender manager and/or community public protection police:
    • Curfew restrictions and/or electronic tagging;
    • Ensure that if appropriate the offender receives appropriate health care; and
    • Ensure the offender attends identified accredited programmes and other interventions (such as drug and alcohol programmes) aimed at reducing further offending.

Not all MAPPA offenders present an immediate risk of harm to others and in most cases; the offender will be managed under the ordinary arrangements applied by the agency or agencies with supervisory responsibility.