Cylch Gorchwyl y Grŵp Sicrwydd Ansawdd i Blant

Policy Context

Reviewing effectiveness of local safeguarding measures

126. A Safeguarding Board should ensure the effectiveness of the measures taken individually or as part of their shared responsibility as a Safeguarding Board partner. This also applies to other bodies in the area not represented on the Board but which have safeguarding responsibilities. This enables a Board to gather data from its Board partners and other bodies about the nature and extent of need, abuse and harm with which they are working. This may include the strategic population needs analysis required under section 14 of the Act. It requires a system for agencies reporting to the Board on the measures they have in place and how they are working, and to be prepared to be challenged. The Board should monitor any recommendations which are made and the impact of any changes agencies may make as a result.

127. The duty to report children and adults at risk applies to the relevant partners of the local authority set out at paragraph 20. These relevant partners are from the statutory sector. Whilst the duty to report does not extend to other agencies and care providers, Safeguarding Boards may wish to evaluate the impact of the duty to report alongside an awareness of the practice of referring children and adults at risk by other sectors and agencies involved in their Safeguarding Board area.

128. An important part of reviewing the effectiveness of safeguarding measures is through the findings of case audits undertaken on an inter-agency basis, as well as through the learning from multi-agency professional forums and child and adult practice reviews. Feedback from local engagement with key stakeholders and community groups can make a valuable contribution to reviewing effectiveness.

[Working Together to Safeguarding People: Volume 1 – Guidance on the functions of Safeguarding Boards, SSWBA 2014]


To develop and implement a performance management and quality assurance framework which provides the Board with assurance on the effectiveness of interagency working arrangements in the safeguarding of children.

To report to the Business Planning Group on any areas of concern about practice arising from the work of the group and highlight any areas for practice development.

To promote a culture of learning so that the quality assurance and performance framework drives practice and service improvement and stays focussed on achieving best outcomes for vulnerable children and young people across the region.


  • To review and analyse a range of data and evidence regarding the effectiveness of inter-agency safeguarding practice, in order to identify areas requiring improvement and make recommendations for practice;
  • To undertake or commission case audits and reviews into strategic priority areas as identified by the Board; or identified as a result of the work of the group; or identified within action plans arising from child practice reviews;
  • To ensure that direct engagement with key stakeholders - particularly children, young people, families, carers and practitioners – informs the quality assurance process;
  • To monitor the action plans for Child Practice Reviews and highlight any areas where adequate progress is not being made to the Chair of the Board and/or Chair of the Child Practice Review Group as appropriate;
  • To present completed action plans to the Child Practice Review Group for sign off;
  • To develop a range of tools and methodologies to support the implementation of a performance management and quality assurance framework
  • To produce an annual programme of work in line with the SESWCB strategic priorities and objectives


There will be the same chair for the QA groups for both the Children and Adult Safeguarding Boards.

Minimum core membership will include:

  • Representative of each of the five Local Authority Children’s Services departments.
  • Nominated Local Education Authority Representative (Safeguarding) to represent the 5 local authority areas.
  • Named Nurse Safeguarding, Aneurin Bevan Health Board.
  • Detective Inspector Gwent Police or delegate.
  • Representative of Youth Offending Services in the region.
  • Representative from Housing services
  • Representative from NPS
  • Representative from Community Rehabilitation Company
  • Representative from GDAS
  • Representative from South East Wales Emergency Duty Team

Other members will be co-opted onto the group as need arises.


  • The subgroup will meet quarterly and administration will be provided by the Regional Safeguarding Business Unit. Governance
  • The Chair of the group will report on behalf of the group to the Business Planning Group quarterly and present other reports as required in relation to the work plan of this group.
  • The SEWSCB and its constituent agencies will be alerted to any issues that require immediate attention.