Cylch Gorchwyl y Grŵp Ymgysylltu a Chyfathrebu
Policy Context
124 - A Safeguarding Board should ensure that it develops knowledge and understanding of its objectives and of the nature and scope of abuse, neglect and other kinds of harm in its area. This must be achieved through publicising its own work through the Annual Report and Annual Plan, by engagement and collaboration with other professional and community agencies and by discussions with users and members of the public. Some Safeguarding Boards, in co-operation with other organisations, are preparing material about types of abuse, the help available and its prevention for wider public information or more targeted populations.
189 - Section 135(4) (c) of the Act indicates that Regulations must specify when and how children or adults who are, or may be, affected by the exercise of a Safeguarding Board’s functions must be given the opportunity to participate in the Board’s work. Regulation 6 of the Safeguarding Boards (Functions and Procedures) (Wales) Regulations 2015 (Annex 1) provides that at least once a year Safeguarding Boards must give children or adults the opportunity to participate in one or more events of the boards work. This could most easily be achieved by involving established / existing youth or user or carer groups in planning the event with the Safeguarding Board.
[Working Together to Safeguarding People: Volume 1 - Guidance on the functions of Safeguarding Boards, SSWBA 2014]
The group will support the South East Wales Safeguarding Children Board (SEWSCB), Gwent Wide Adult Safeguarding Board (GWASB) and the Violence Against Women Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Board (VAWDASVB) by delivering on the statutory function to engage with people (children and young people, parents and carers, adults at risk, the general public and professionals) to promote and raise awareness of safeguarding issues across the region.
- To develop and maintain an Engagement and Communications strategy that supports the work of the 2 Statutory Lead Partnerships for safeguarding in the region (SEWSCB and GWASB) and the Strategic VAWDASVB which has safeguarding at its core.
- To develop and maintain the SEWSCB and GWASB websites
- To co-ordinate and facilitate engagement opportunities for people which may include a wide variety methods and mechanisms to inform the work and of the 3 Boards
- To co-ordinate, develop and review relevant leaflets and other material to ensure the communication of key safeguarding messages
- To ensure that information from local engagement (e.g. Local Safeguarding Networks, Youth Forums, Provider Forums, Regional Citizen Panel) is reviewed, and communicated to the 3 Boards and contributes to their work programmes when appropriate and relevant.
- To support engagement across partnerships and agencies to inform the work programme of the 3 Boards.
- To develop links with communication, participation and engagement officers throughout the region
- To contribute to the development of forums and events facilitated by the 3 Boards
- To develop and maintain links with the other regional groups
The Chair and Vice Chair will be selected from different agencies.
Minimum core membership will include representation from:
- Local Authority Children’s Services departments
- Local Authority Adult Services departments
- Local Education Authority Representative (Safeguarding) to represent the 5 local authority areas
- Aneurin Bevan Health Board
- Gwent Police
- Youth Offending Services in the region
- Housing services
- National Probation Service
- Community Rehabilitation Company
- Gwent Drug Alcohol Service
- Corporate Communications (LA’s, Police, Health)
- Voluntary Sector
- Local Engagement Officers (Adults)
- Local Participation Officers (Children)
- Youth Service
- Gwent Citizen’s panel
Other members will be co-opted onto the group as need arises.
- The subgroup will meet quarterly and support will be provided by the Regional Safeguarding Business Unit.
- The objectives and outcomes of the group will be monitored through the Engagement and Communication group work plan at each meeting.
- Members of the group will nominate staff from their organisations to sit on task and finish groups, as and when required, to develop specific activities on the work plan.
- The Chair of the group will report on behalf of the group to the Business Planning Group quarterly and present other reports as required in relation to the work plan of this group.
- The 3 Boards and their constituent agencies will be alerted to any issues that require immediate attention.