
If you are experiencing Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence you may receive support from an advocate. There are a number of different types of advocacy support available including IDVAs, ISVAs and ICTAs. For information on each of these please see here.

Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA)

The main purpose of independent domestic violence advisors (IDVA) is to address the safety of victims at high risk of harm from intimate partners, ex-partners or family members to secure their safety and the safety of their children. Serving as a victim’s primary point of contact, IDVAs normally work with their clients from the point of crisis to assess the level of risk, discuss the range of suitable options and develop safety plans.

They are pro-active in implementing the plans, which address immediate safety, including practical steps to protect themselves and their children, as well as longer-term solutions. These plans will include actions from the MARAC as well as sanctions and remedies available through the criminal and civil courts, housing options and services available through other organisations. IDVAs support and work over the short- to medium-term to put them on the path to long-term safety. They receive specialist accredited training and hold a nationally recognised qualification. Since they work with the highest risk cases, IDVAs are most effective as part of an IDVA service and within a multi-agency framework. The IDVA’s role in all multi-agency settings is to keep the client’s perspective and safety at the centre of proceedings.

Studies have shown that when high risk clients engage with an IDVA, there are clear and measurable improvements in safety, including a reduction in the escalation and severity of abuse and a reduction or even cessation in repeat incidents of abuse.

In Gwent there are IDVAs based in all Local Authority areas.

For further information, please visit

Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA)

Many specialist support agencies, including those based in Gwent, offer an Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA) service to victims/survivors of rape and sexual assault. The Independent Sexual Violence Adviser role was commissioned by Baroness Stern through the Home Office Violent Crime Unit in 2005.

An ISVA is trained to look after your needs, and to ensure that you receive care and understanding. They will help you understand how the criminal justice process works, and will explain things to you, such as what will happen if you report to the police, and the importance and process of forensic DNA retrieval.

An ISVA is there to provide you with information only so that you can make the right decision for you. By contacting them, you are not expected to report any offence to the police.

For further information, please visit

Independent Child Trafficking Advocate (ICTA)

Independent Child Trafficking Advocates (ICTAs) are specialist professionals who support children who have been identified as trafficked or potentially trafficked to navigate the complex systems of social care, immigration and criminal justice.

The ICTAs provision was trialled by Barnardo’s in 2014 -2015 and we have now established the ICTAs Service in three Early Adopter Sites across England and Wales, commissioned by the Home Office.

The role of and ICTA is outlined in s.48 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

For further information, please visit