Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is any physical pain, suffering or injury wilfully inflicted by a person who has responsibility, charge, care, or custody of, or who stands in a position of or expectation of trust to a vulnerable person.
Typical examples of physical abuse
- Hitting, slapping, punching and pushing
- Unreasonable physical restraint
- Forced medication
- Hair pulling
- Physical intimidation
- Beating
- Pinching
- Dragging
- Physically forcing people to do something against their will
- Too hot or cold an environment including being ‘put outside’
- Rough handling
- Deprivation, withholding food, water, medication or bathing
- Use of injurious procedures or substances, deliberate exposure to risk or danger
- Under or over medication.
Possible indicators of physical abuse:
- Injury incompatible with its explanation
- Injury which has not been properly cared for (injuries are sometimes hidden on areas of the body normally covered by clothes)
- Cuts, scratches and lacerations
- Puncture wounds (particularly on parts of the body which do not normally sustain such injuries)
- Bruises and discoloration
- Sprains
- Bite marks
- Fingertip and pinching marks
- Burns and scalds, including friction burns
- Signs of hair pulling such as hair loss in one area
- Any fracture without a satisfactory explanation of accident
- Poor skin condition and hygiene
- Untreated pressure sores
- Ulcers, bedsores, and being left in wet clothing
- Dehydration and/or malnutrition without illness related cause, and when not living alone
- Significant weight loss
- Hypothermia
- Uncharacteristic behaviour
- Asks not "to be hurt"
- Flinches at physical contact
- Fearfulness
- Low self esteem
- Unexplained paranoia
- Excessive repeated prescriptions or under use or over use of medication
- Excessive drowsiness
- Accounts of injury by carer varying over time or inconsistent with the nature of the injury
- A mobile person not being able to get up from their bed or chair for various reasons, eg, being tied in
- Use of furniture or special chairs to prevent movement, removal of walking aid or specialist equipment
- Carpet burns (due to falling) increasing immobility