Messages for Practice and 7 Minute Briefings
As part of the work undertaken by the Case Review Group and Quality Assurance Groups, the Gwent Safeguarding Boards produce themed messages for practice and briefings which are developed to inform practitioners on various themes. Our multi agency partners also produce a range of briefings, with a safeguarding theme, which can be a useful resource for all practitioners working to safeguard adults and children. These are also listed below:
Messages for Practice
- Agency report writing for Child Protection Conferences
- Tips for practitioners attending Child Protection Conferences
- Tips for Core Group Members
- Working with children between 16 and 17
- Practice Private Fostering
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Messages from Neglect Audit
- Working with Neglect
- Working with Suicide and Self Harm
7 Minute Briefings
- What are 7 Minute Briefings
- Child Sexual Abuse - A practitioner’s aide
- Child Sexual Abuse and re-victimisation
- Ending Physical Punishment in Wales
- Immediate Response for Critical Incidents Involving Children & Young People
- Non Accidental Injuries
- Professional Curiosity
- Public Law Outline
- Recognising and responding to Child Sex Abuse
- Suicide and Self Harm
- Use of Language by Professionals in relation to Children and Young People at risk of Child Exploitation
- What to do if I am invited to an Immediate Response Group Meeting
- When does a critical incident involving a child need a multi-agency Immediate Response Group?
- Working with Self Harm and Suicide in Young People - A Practitioners Aide
- Working with Adolescents