Gwent Safeguarding Media Clips

Gwent Safeguarding has produced a range of media clips as part of awareness campaigns or as learning tools for training purposes. There are also media clips that have been provided by partner agencies within the Gwent Region.

If you know of useful safeguarding media clips that would benefit other people viewing, please email the details to Gwent Safeguarding Business Unit.

Viewers of these media clips are advised that the content will include references to topics of abuse and neglect. It is our intention to authentically portray abusive and harmful language and behaviour within these media clips, in order to raise awareness of these matters. Therefore, some people might be offended by some of the language used by the actors but it is not our intention to cause upset or distress.

Clips relating to Safeguarding Children

Categories of Abuse

Media clips on the categories of abuse produced for training:

Operation Thistle

Following a local case of sexual exploitation in 2011, the 5 Local Safeguarding Children Boards of Gwent (now merged to one regional safeguarding board) commissioned this short film to raise awareness of the issues of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). The film was designed and produced by young people for young people and is now used as a training tool for professionals working with children and young people in the region.

Watch the Operation Thistle media clip here.

Drama Production for Schools on Child Sexual Exploitation

Drama production commissioned by the Safeguarding Children Board performed in all of the secondary schools across the region to year 8 pupils.

Watch the Its Not Ok Advert here.

Safeguarding Awards

Advert for children to engage in a safety competition across the region.

Watch the Safeguarding Children Awards Competition 2014 media clip here.

Child Exploitation (CSE)

Media clips produced in partnership with young people to raise awareness of Child Exploitation (CSE):

Neglect Conference 2013

Media clips relating to the Neglect Conference held in 2013

Clips Relating to Safeguarding Adults at risk

Media clip to raise awareness across the region on the topic of Domestic Abuse

Categories of Abuse

Media clips produced for training on the categories of abuse:


An awareness raising clip funded by the Greater Gwent Health, Social Care and Well-being Partnership co-produced by Gwent Safeguarding, NYAS and DEWIS.

Watch the What is advocacy media clip here.