Safeguarding Adults - Group C Practitioners (28/11/2024)

Course Details

Date(s):28/11/2024  ( 09:1516:45 )

Face to Face VENUE: United Welsh Group, Y Borth, 13 Beddau Way, Caerphilly, CF83 2AX

Facilitated By:

Gwent Safeguarding

Service User:


About Group C Learning

The National Safeguarding Training, Learning and Development Standards launched in Wales in 2022. The aim of the standards is to support practitioners to understand their role and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding, relevant to the staff group they are in.

This Gwent Safeguarding Course is for practitioners requiring generic Group C Safeguarding Adults training. Group C practitioners are those who have direct responsibility for safeguarding people:

  • who have an assessing role that’s linked to the safeguarding process and / or
  • who are operating at a level where they can give advice about safeguarding to those in group A and group B and / or
  • in a setting they work in or manage and / or
  • with whom they spend a lot of time unsupervised and there may be safeguarding concerns.

This course is suitable for Designated Safeguarding Person/s (DSP’s) and those who take a more prominent role in safeguarding decisions within their own setting, including those with an active role in protection planning activities.

Group C practitioners could potentially contribute to or are fully engaged in assessing, planning, intervening, and reviewing the needs of individuals where there are safeguarding concerns.

NB: This is generic group C safeguarding training that all group C adult practitioners should do. Additional training relevant to a practitioners’ specific role and responsibilities will also be required following completion of generic Group C training. This will usually be agency/role specific and form part of practitioners CPD.

Please note: Completion of a knowledge check is mandatory following accessing the online module which forms Part 1 of this course. Failure to complete this will prevent the participant attending the Part 2 Facilitated Session.

Learning Outcomes

To access Group C training, it is assumed you have undertaken Group A/B or equivalent learning previously.

At the end of this Group C learning activity, you will:

  • Be able to apply relevant legislation, policies and codes of conduct to your day-to-day practice and advise others about these.
  • Be able to safeguard and protect people based on evidence available at the time and escalate concerns to the next level.
  • Be able to reflect on factors, situations and actions that may contribute to abuse, harm or neglect and provide rationale for acting and respond appropriately to concerns.
  • Know how, when and to whom to report different types of abuse, neglect and harm.
  • Follow the Wales Safeguarding Procedures and any regional decision-making process and advise other colleagues about these when required.
  • Follow the Regional Safeguarding Board’s protocol for ‘Resolving Professional Differences’.
  • Evidence that the voice of the adult is central to safeguarding decisions throughout the safeguarding process.
  • Be able to explain the role of advocacy.
  • Understand your role and responsibilities and contribute to relevant safeguarding forums and processes.
  • Understand what is meant by ‘professional curiosity’ and ‘professional accountability’.
  • Understand the principles of effective supervision and peer support.
  • Know how to advise and support others to safeguarding people.
  • Understand how to work in partnership in a multi-agency way and be clear about other professionals’ roles and responsibilities.
  • Understand your role and responsibilities in relation to practice development and your own continuing professional development.
Book your place here